Hi, I'm André Marí Coppola,
an Argentinian/Spanish Motion Graphic Designer and Art Director with more than 8 years of experience.
an Argentinian/Spanish Motion Graphic Designer and Art Director with more than 8 years of experience.
From music writing, through Illustration, to video game design, I've dedicated my whole life into the exploration of arts, means of expression and problen solving. No matter where I am or what the circumstances are, I will always continue creating.
Netflix, Yahoo, McDonalds, Square Enix, Panasonic, Marvel, Toyota, Nintendo, Playstation, Coca-Cola, Bacardi, Mitsubishi, Tropicana, 7-Eleven, Google, Maybellin, Docomo, Coffret D'or, Snickers, Rizap, Abema TV, Head & Shoulders, and many, many, maaany others...